Sri Lankan Food Recipes in English

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Monday, April 8, 2013

Indonesian Nasi Goreng (Fried Rice)

500 gm medium sized prawns 
2 x chicken thigh fillets 
3 tbl peanut oil 
1 lrg carrot cut into julienne strips 
1 clv garlic crushed 
1 tsp sambal oelek 
1 tbl dark soy sauce 
4 cup cooked rice 
4 x spring onions sliced diagonally 

Method : 
Spring onions and red capiscum cut into strips and curled 
Peel and de vein prawns. 
Slice chicken fillets into thin strips. 
Beat eggs with a fork until blended. 
Heat 1 tablespoon of oil in a frying pan pour in eggs cook over low heat until eggs have set lift out. 
When omelette is cold roll it up slice thinly. 
Heat remaining oil in frying pan add prawns chicken carrot and garlic stir fry until browned. 
Add sambal oelek soy sauce rice and spring onions stir fry until heated through. 
Serve garnished with omelette strips and spring onion and red capsicum curls (see Hint).
Note: Serve Nasi Goreng as a main meal on its own or as an accompaniment. You will need to cook 1 1/2 cups of raw rice for this recipe. Cooked rice should be cooled before using for fried rice this prevents glugginess. Hint: To curl spring onion and capsicum cut into fine strips and place in iced water refrigerate.
Serves 4 as a main course

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